The Environmental Sustainability: The Key Hidden in Religion with a Spectacular Learning From Sanatana Dharma

Leadership, Bhagwad Gita, Vision, Environment, Sanatana Dharma.

The concern for environmental issues is among the highly deliberated issues in academic, Business and political debates in both the developed and the developing countries. This paper examines some of the beliefs and practices underlying traditional ‘Sanatana Dharma’ attitude towards nature and its strategic extension as a tool for Environmental Sustainability. The paperal so looks at the evolving concern of the spiritually satiated individual towards environmental sustain ability exhibited globally. Environmental protection and development are often projected as two regimes that cannot operate without conflict. Rapid development is desirable only when it is devoid of any threat to Environment and also if it’s us tains good environment, and reduces conomic disparities. Apart from being an essential prerequisite for maximizing growth rate, strategic planning is required for a balance between development and environmental conservation.

Dr. Swami Parthasarathy, D.Litt., FIMA
The author is a writer of global Repute and International acclaimed management exponent and spiritual philosopher having 28 Publication of books to his credit. He is also the author of Transforming Personality, One of the best sellers in Europe and America. He May be reached at or

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