Leadership and the Importance of Human Values

keywords: Leadership, Human Values, Cultures, Sri Krishna, Adi Shankaracharya

Human values play a crucial role in leadership, guiding a leader’s choices, behaviours, and engagements with others. These values include integrity, empathy, respect, fairness, and compassion, which are based on acknowledging the inherent human rights, necessities, and ambitions of individuals. Incorporating human values into leadership practices is of great importance, as it impacts decision-making, relationship-building, and shaping organizational cultures. Leaders who prioritize human values serve as a moral guide, directing individuals and organizations towards ethical and responsible courses of action. In today’s socially aware environment, stakeholders like customers and investors place greater emphasis on the ethical position of organizations and their leaders. Understanding human values and their underlying motivations can offer valuable insights into behaviours, interactions, and decision- making systems. The Leadership Perspectives Model (LPM) is a hierarchical structure that defines a leadership style based on the leader’s values being applied to the group. Values-based leadership emphasizes the transformative nature of leadership and its impact on both stakeholder growth and organizational effectiveness. Effective leadership involves establishing a culture that reflects the organization’s values and qualities, defining fundamental principles that impact behaviour, decision- making, and interpersonal connections. Open and transparent communication is crucial for an organization to consistently convey its values and foster a culture of trust and collaboration. Examples of exceptional leaders throughout history, such as Sri Krishna, Adi Shankaracharya and Narendra Modi, demonstrate the importance of a strong, adaptable, and compassionate leadership philosophy. By incorporating these principles, leaders can cultivate a culture marked by genuineness, openness, and moral strength, ensuring ongoing achievement and contentment for both leaders and their teams.

Kajal Kapil **Anu Shikha Mishra, Anjali Arun, Neelam Gupta, Selvi Tripathi

***Swami Chaitanyananda Saraswati

*The Author is the Lecturer & Asst. Director, SRISIIM,

**The Authors are the Research Scholars in SRISIIM

***The Author is the Chancellor and Chairman, SRISIIM

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