Change Management: Souring Emotions to New Adaptability.

Adaptability, True Visionary, Personality, Behavior, Beliefs

When we talk about “CHANGE”, it is a different tune to .. 1. Listener, 2. Observer, 3. Action-Doer. In the wake of so many concepts of Management, when everyone wants one to be implemented to their department(s), various approaches we consider to excel in our balance sheets; all we forget is the PEOPLES ELEMENT, ie, a Human element to such notional concepts of the book. And if I refer to Human element more humanely, I would consider the fact that it is their core understandability, which needs to agree in order to implement such Concepts/Theories / Approaches, organization vide.

1. Listener, 2. Observer, 3. Action-Doer. In the wake of so many concepts of Management, when everyone wants one to be implemented to their department(s), various approaches we consider to excel in our balance sheets; all we forget is the PEOPLES ELEMENT, ie, a Human element to such notional concepts of the book. And if I refer to Human element more humanely, I would consider the fact that it is their core understandability, which needs to agree in order to implement such Concepts/Theories / Approaches, organization vide.

Ashima Negi
The author is Asst. Professor at SRISIIM New Delhi. She may be reached at

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