Academic Leadership with A Lesson from Ancient India: The Issues and Challenges in 21st Century

Keywords: Leadership, Ancient India, Ethics, Academic Governance.

The evolution of human race has largely been influenced by the academic development since ancient times. The academic system developed during ancient time has its bearings on the modern- day science, technology, arts and humanities. Contribution of ancient scriptures from various civilizations are overwhelmingly seen in modern day education system. Ancient India is one of the leading contributors in this regard. This paper has attempted to explore the lessons from ancient India in impacting academic leadership that influences various areas like Research & Development, Innovation, Technology, New Age Pedagogy, Public Policy for National Education and Academic Governance. The leadership practiced with ethics protect the core values in all the above functions and make society a better place. In this regard, the contribution is evident from ancient Indian University system as well as from Indian epics and scriptures. This qualitative study developed by reviewing various literature has analysed the contribution of ancient India in establishing and influencing academic leadership in the modern era. The influence of ancient India is seen in modern education system beyond the boundary of the country and future effective practice of these lessons is suggested globally for sustainable development of human race.

Prof Amlan Ray:The author is Sr. Director & Dean , SRISIIM.

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