Exploration of Niskama Karma in the Srimad Bhagavata-Gita

Keywords: Niskam-karma, philosophy, spirituality, righteousness, perplexion

This exploratory study deals with the depiction of karma theory from Sri Krsna to Arjuna before the commencement of the Mahabharata war. The philosophy of niskama karma is a doctrine to consider being the ground stone of the entire Hindu philosophical outlook. The theory of karma is based on the niskam-karma. This research article addresses human beings to give up the attachment and the fruit regarding the karma. The objectives of this research are to highlight the importance of niskama karma for human beings and to show how Sri Krsna motivates Arjuna to perform niskam-karma. The analysis is primarily based on Swami Vevekananda’s karma theory which confirms the realization of righteousness and God from niskama karma. The researcher has used English translation of the Sanskrit text of Franklin Edgerton as the primary text. The findings of this investigation endow with evidences that the text has used niskama karma to motivate human beings to do the same for self-satisfaction, righteousness, and justice in society following the footsteps of Sri Krsna. The conclusion of this article suggests that Sri Krsna is a far-sighted firstmotivational speaker of the earth to improve the activities of human beings and for the establishment of peace, justice, and righteousness on the earth.

Mohan Kumar Pokhrel                                                                                           The Author is the Lecturer Department of English, Mahendra Multiple Campus, Dharan, Tribhuvan University, Nepal Email: pokharelmohankumar@gmail.com

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