Patanjali Yoga and Siddhis: Their Relevance to Parapsychological Theory and Research

Keywords: Patanjali, Sutras, Sadhana, spiritual discipline, Sidhis

There is a well-known law of Nature according to which meditation or deep pondering over any idea or principle tends to bring down the corresponding force gradually into our life. . . . the whole science of acquiring Siddhis or occult powers as expounded in . . . the Yoga- Sûtras is based on this axiomatic truth of Yogic philosophy. . . . The word used is Samâpattibhyâm which means ‘fusing the mind with.’ This is really what happens when we ponder deeply or meditate on an idea and open up a channel for the influx of its corresponding power.

WILLIAM G. BRAUD                                                             The Author was an American psychologist and parapsychologist.

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